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Showing posts filtered by Jurisdiction.

02 February 2024

Nicaragua calls on UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Canada to immediately halt the supply of arms, ammunition, technology and/or components to Israel

Kawsachun News

Nicaragua calls on UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Canada to immediately halt the supply of arms, ammunition, technology and/or components to Israel as they may have been used to facilitate or commit acts of genocide in Gaza.

28 January 2024

Letter to the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs on Canadian military goods and technology transfers to Israel since 7 October 2023

On 28 January 2024, a coalition of Canadians and Palestinians wrote to Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly demanding that the federal government immediately halt all exports and transfers of Canadian military goods and technology to Israel.

01 June 2022

Canada's arms sales to Saudi Arabia jumped in 2021, government report says

Middle East Eye

This article reflects on new information released by the Canadian government that indicates there has been an increase in military exports to Saudi Arabia, who are also found to be Canada’s second largest purchaser of military equipment after the United States.

30 April 2018

Canada’s dual role in Yemen: Arms exports to Saudi Coalition dwarf aid sent to war-torn country

Brendan Kennedy and Michelle Shephard | Toronto Star

This article considers the broader context of arms sales by Canada to countries involved in the conflict in Yemen, in particular Saudi Arabia, by analysing its export statistics and reporting.

19 January 2018

Comment: Canada's Trade-off between Arms and Human Rights

James Hendry | Philippe Kirsch Institute Global Justice Journal

This article provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of the first two challenges launched by Professor Daniel Turp in 2016 and 2018 respectively, with particular focus on the evidence which came to light between the first and second challenge.