Submission to District Court in against the State of the Netherlands
Appears in case: Civil suit against the State of the Netherlands for transfer of F-35 parts to Israel
The Netherlands
Armed Conflict in Palestine
Recipient State
Document Type
Claimant Submissions
Oxfam Novib, PAX, and The Rights Forum launch civil suit in The Hague, the Netherlands on 4 December 2023, to call for a halt of the transfer of F-35 fighter jet parts from the Netherlands to Israel that could be used in attacks on Gaza. The plaintiffs argued that Israel’s use of the F-35 fighter jets in Gaza constitutes a likely violation of international humanitarian law and risks contributing to genocide. The suit also argued that the Netherlands is in violation of its international obligations (Genocide Convention Article 1 obligation to prevent genocide and the EU Common Position) by continuing to supply these parts. The plaintiffs sought an injunction banning the transfer of F-35 parts to Israel.