Judgements by the Council of State on the Remaining Requests for Suspension filed 18.12.2017 against the Walloon Government
Appears in case: First Administrative Challenge at the Council of State against the Walloon Government
Armed Conflict in Yemen
Recipient State
Saudi Arabia
Document Type
The Council of State orders the suspension of six licences for the export of military goods to Saudi Arabia, finding the government had not considered Saudi Arabia’s past behaviour.nnn
In particular, the court finds that the government did not contemplate Saudi Arabia’s ‘behaviour towards the international community’, in particular its attitude towards terrorism and respect for international law as prescribed by criterion 6 of the 2012 Walloon Decree. The court holds that the Advisory Committee failed to adequately take into account the record of Saudi Arabia in this respect, especially its compliance with international commitments on the non-use of force and IHL.