Decision by Judge for Preliminary Investigations in Rome on criminal responsibility of Italian public officials and CEO of arms manufacturer
Appears in case: Criminal Complaint against the UAMA and RWM Italia S.p.A
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Preliminary Legal Analysis of Judgement, 13.03.2023The Judge for Preliminary Investigations in Rome finds that Italy’s National Authority for the Export of Armament (UAMA) was “in violation of at least Article 6 and 7 of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)” by issuing export licences. However, the judge rules that it could not be proven that the main intent of the directors of UAMA was to cause unfair damage to the victims or to procure a pecuniary advantage for RWM Italia S.p.A.
European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), Mwatana for Human Rights, and Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo published a legal analysis of the decision of the Judge for Preliminary Investigations in Rome.