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Judgement of Council of State on Request Filed 13.11.2017 by CNAPD and LDH under the ‘Extreme Urgency Procedure’

Appears in case: First Administrative Challenge at the Council of State against the Walloon Government




Armed Conflict in Yemen

Recipient State

Saudi Arabia

Document Type


The Council of State holds that the request lodged by the claimants calling for the suspension of licences issued by the Walloon Government for export to Saudi Arabia under the ‘extreme urgency procedure’ was not admissible. The court relies on the 23-day delay in the claimants bringing the application after they became aware of the existence of the contested licences through an article in the press on 18th October. It is concluded that a situation of urgency has not been established and the claimants have not taken all due diligence to refer the matter to the Council of State as soon as possible.