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Appeal in Cassation at the Supreme Court of Spain (Ordinary)

Appears in case: Complaint Against the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism Through an ‘Ordinary Administrative Procedure’




Armed Conflict in Yemen

Recipient State

Saudi Arabia

Document Type

Claimant Submissions

Following the Supreme Court’s admission of their appeal, the claimants file their appeal in response to the questions raised by the Supreme Court. On the first ground of whether the declaration of the requested information as classified is a legitimate limit to the right of access to information under domestic law, the claimants submit a violation of the right to freedom of expression under the constitution and ECHR as well as a violation of legislation regulating ‘transparency in the arms trade’ namely Articles 6 and 7 ATT as incorporated in domestic law. It is also submitted that there has been a violation of the official secrets act and Law 19/2013.