Application for Expedition of Request for Permission to Appeal (CAAT)
Appears in case: First Administrative Challenge against the Secretary of State for International Trade
United Kingdom
Armed Conflict in Yemen
Recipient State
Saudi Arabia
Document Type
Government Submissions
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Expedition application, 2018-01-05Following on from its initial request to the Court of Appeal for permission to appeal the decision of the High Court, CAAT outlines why the case should be prioritised. It requests that consideration of the application for permission to appeal be expedited, and if permission to appeal be granted, for the hearing of the appeal to also be expedited. In making this request, it references the deterioration in the situation in Yemen since the application for permission to appeal was first made and the increasing evidence of serious violations of IHL by Saudi forces. Therefore, given the intensity of the conflict in Yemen and the continued export of arms by the UK to Saudi forces, it is submitted there is a compelling need for the issues at stake in the litigation to be resolved quickly.