Claim against the Walloon Government for the Suspension of Licences for Arms Export to Saudi Arabia under the ‘Extreme Urgency’ Procedure
Appears in case: Second Administrative Challenge at the Council of State against the Walloon Government
Armed Conflict in Yemen
Recipient State
Saudi Arabia
Document Type
Claimant Submissions
The claimants request the suspension or annulment of one or more decisions to issue one or more licences for the export of arms to Saudi Arabia.nnnnnnn
The date of these decisions by the Minister President of the Walloon Region were unknown at the time of the claim. Relying on evidence of numerous human rights violations taking place internally in Saudi Arabia, as well as the commission of serious violations of international law by its forces in the armed conflict in Yemen, the claimant’s alleged a violation of criterion 2 of the Walloon Decree, namely the failure to consider the risk of the exported goods’ use in IHL and IHRL violations; ATT Articles 1 and 6(2), and the obligation to ensure respect for IHL under Common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions.