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Pre-action Protocol Letter to Department of Business, Innovation and Skills

Appears in case: First Administrative Challenge against the Secretary of State for International Trade


United Kingdom


Armed Conflict in Yemen

Recipient State

Saudi Arabia

Document Type

Claimant Submissions

This pre-action protocol letter for judicial review is sent to the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. This letter challenges the government’s decision to continue to allow the export of arms to Saudi Arabia despite a clear risk they might be used to breach IHL. It seeks further information on a number of aspects, including the government’s position on whether Saudi Arabia has acted in violation of IHL in Yemen, assurances provided by Saudi Arabia in respect of compliance with IHL in Yemen and whether these were sought in relation to licences granted by the government. It calls for the Secretary of State to agree not to grant further licences for the export of military equipment and technology to Saudi Arabia for possible use in Yemen, as well as to suspend extant licences, pending a full review.