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First Administrative Challenge launched by ASER against the Prime Minister of France
Armed Conflict in Yemen
Recipient State
Saudi Arabia
Case Type
Administrative Challenge
This request, submitted on behalf of French NGO ASER, called for the suspension of all licences for the export of arms and military goods to countries involved in the conflict in Yemen. The claim was submitted following a failed request that ASER made directly to the French Prime Minister for their suspension. The claim before the Administrative Court of Paris therefore sought to challenge the implicit decision by the French Prime Minister not to suspend the licences. The claimants also requested the disclosure of all information on the licences and the decision-making process that led to their adoption. The claimants contended that, in light of the large body of evidence indicating serious IHL and IHRL violations by the coalition in Yemen, at the time of authorisation the French Prime Minister knew that the goods that were being licensed for export could be used in the commission of war crimes in the armed conflict in Yemen.
Despite invoking a body of evidence indicating that the arms would be used in this manner, the case was dismissed on appeal matters of jurisdiction and justiciability. On 27 January 2023, the Council of State upheld this decision.
Latest developments
Case Details
01 Mar 2018
ASER requests formal suspension of all licences for the export of arms and military goods to countries involved in the armed conflict in Yemen based on a wealth of evidence of IHL and IHRL violations committed by the coalition forces and the export of French arms to such members of this coalition.
07 May 2018
Case enters the courts. Formal request to Prime Minister is unsuccessful. Claim submitted to the Administrative Court of Paris challenging the decision not to suspend arms export licences to coalition members.
23 Nov 2018
Government response. Prime Minister contests all grounds as unfounded and argues a lack of jurisdiction on the basis that the contested licensing decision is a non-justiciable ‘acte de gouvernment’.
25 Jan 2019
Claimant response. Maintains the contested decision falls within the court’s jurisdiction.
08 Jul 2019
Judgement issued. Claim dismissed as unfounded.
08 Sep 2019
Appeal submitted to the Court of Appeal of Paris.
26 Sep 2019
Judgement issued. Court dismisses the case due to a lack of jurisdiction.
Read the judgement here19 Nov 2019
Appeal submitted to the Council of State.
Case Documents
Contact the Claimants
This case was brought by Action Sécurité Éthique Républicaine (ASER).
If you would like to know more about this case, please get in touch with our primary contact Matteo Bonaglia (ASER) by email.