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Criminal Complaint against Dassault Aviation, Thales and MBDA France
Armed Conflict in Yemen
Recipient State
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Case Type
Criminal Proceedings
Mwatana, ECCHR and Sherpa supported by Amnesty International France have filed a criminal complaint in France requesting the investigation into the potential complicity of three French arms manufacturers in aiding and abetting the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity for their role in supplying and maintaining weapons of the Saudi-led Coalition. Specifically, the claimants call on the Paris Judiciary Tribunal to launch a criminal investigation into arms companies Dassault Aviation, Thales and MBDA France.
The complainants presented the same facts as those put forward in the communication to the ICC, namely a series of 26 airstrikes allegedly perpetrated by the Coalition on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Yemen that is argued could constitute war crimes and/or crimes against humanity. The claimants also relied on evidence that fighter jets, as well as missiles and guidance systems produced by Dassault, Thales and MBDA France, have been used in the conflict in Yemen. Unlike the ICC communication, this criminal complaint is directed solely against the named arms companies as legal entities, rather than export authorities.
This case is in its early stages. Further information can be found here and here.
Contact the Claimants
This case was brought by European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR).
If you would like to know more about this case, please get in touch with our primary contact Cannelle Lavite (ECCHR) by email.