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October 2021 - May 2022

Summary Proceedings (Civil) against the State of Netherlands


The Netherlands


Armed Conflict in Yemen, Internal Repression in Egypt

Recipient State


Case Type

Civil Proceedings




The third legal challenge, initiated as summary proceedings in November 2021, sought to halt all exports of arms to Egypt in light of the severity of the human rights violations committed by the Egyptian forces.

This case, brought as a collective action on behalf of the claimants, sought to prohibit the export of arms to all parts of the Egyptian armed forces, including its Navy, whose involvement in the commission of human rights violations had also been opposed by the Dutch State in previous challenges. The case focused on the human rights situation in Egypt in general, and, more specifically, on the involvement of the Egyptian Navy in both the blockade of Yemen and the repression of the local population in the North Sinai region.

The claimants’ were granted legal standing and the case was assessed on its merits. However, the courts did not rule in the claimants’ favour and exports to Egypt have been permitted to continue.

Case Details

In this civil case, the claimants’ were granted legal standing and the case was assessed on its merits. Despite this progressive development, however, the District Court did not rule in the claimants’ favour.

Although it did recognise the severity of the human rights situation in Egypt, the court maintained that this does not necessarily bar arms exports to the country’s armed forces. In particular, the court held that the claimants had failed to demonstrate a clear risk that the arms in question would be used in these human rights violations, namely that they have or would be used by the units involved in serious violations. The claimants had therefore not been able to demonstrate that the Minister’s decision to issue an export licence was ‘manifestly unreasonable’.

Despite significant evidence pointing to imminent human rights violations at the hands of the Egyptian armed forces, in particular the Navy, as well as the involvement of Navy ships and officers in the conflict in North Sinai, the court considered this as insufficiently concrete to demonstrate the existence of a clear risk that these specific military goods would be involved in human rights violations.

On appeal, the Court of Appeal of the Hague upheld the District Court’s ruling, finding that the Dutch State may continue to export arms to Egypt.

In particular, it concluded that the minister’s assessment that there is no clear risk, as understood under the Common Position, is not unreasonable or incomprehensible. While acknowledging the severity of the human rights situation in Egypt, the court similarly found that there is insufficient evidence that the specific goods in question will be used in violation of human rights, IHL and in the commission of internal repression.


11 Oct 2021

Case enters the courts. Claim submitted to the District Court under summary proceedings to immediately halt all arms exports to Egypt in light of the severity of human rights and IHL violations by the Egyptian forces internally (in the North Sinai conflict) and in Yemen.

09 Nov 2021

The Summary Proceedings take place in the District Court.

Read the claimants pleadings here

23 Nov 2021

Judgement issued by the District Court. Claims dismissed.

Read the judgement here

20 Dec 2021

The claimants appeal the ruling of the District Court.

Read the appeal submission here

31 Mar 2022

Appeal hearing at the Court of Appeal in the Hague.

17 May 2022

Judgement on the appeal on the District Court ruling is issued by the Hague Court of Appeal. Decision upheld and the claims are dismissed.

Read the judgement here

Case Documents


Appeal of the Decision of the District Court of the Hague

Read the document in full


Pleading Notes for the Claim submitted to the District Court of the Hague against the Dutch Government

Read the document in full


Claim Submitted to District Court of the Hague

Read the document in full


Judgement of the Hague Court of Appeal on the Appeal against the Decision of the District Court of the Hague

Read the document in full


Judgement of the District Court of the Hague on the Claim against the Dutch State

Read the document in full


25 March 2022

Raakt Nederland Betrokken Bij Mensenrechten-Schendingen in Egypte?

Jenne Jan Holtland and Ludo Hekman | de Volkskrant

This news article (in Dutch) provides coverage of the investigations by Lighthouse Reports that discovered indications of human rights violations by the Egyptian forces.

06 December 2021

A Clear Risk of What? The Egyptian Navy, the Dutch Arms Export Policy and Linguistic Inconsistencies in the EU Common Position

Joëlle Trampert | Rethinking SLIC

This blog post reflects on the inconsistencies in the interpretation of the Common Position by English and Dutch Courts, namely the notion of clear risk.

11 August 2016

The Public Interest Litigation Project Case against Arms Trade

Jelle Klaas and Merel Hendrickx (PILP) | Humboldt Law Clinic Blog

This blog post provides a critical overview of the 2016 case submitted by PILP as part of a group of NGOs that sought to challenge arms export licensing decisions by the government.

Contact the Claimants

This case was brought by three Dutch NGOs – the Public Interest Litigation Project (PILP-NCJM), PAX, and Stop Wapenhandel.

If you would like to know more about this case, please get in touch with our primary contacts Rosa Beets and Jelle Klaas (PILP-NCJM) via email.