Neil Crompton witness statement of December 2016
Appears in case: First Administrative Challenge against the Secretary of State for International Trade
United Kingdom
Armed Conflict in Yemen
Recipient State
Saudi Arabia
Document Type
Witness Statements
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Neil crompton statement, 21.12.2016Neil Crompton provides a second witness statement on behalf of the government, addressing the developments since his last witness statement on 6 August 2016. It reiterates that much of the information on which the FCO issues advice in relation to the export of arms and military equipment to Saudi Arabia is sensitive and cannot be referred to in open court. It considers the impact of attempts towards a peace process and the escalation in hostilities around this time. It makes reference to several ‘incidents of concern’ since August that have raised concerns about the coalition’s ability to comply with IHL. In light of these concerns, it outlines that there has been ‘intensive and high level engagement’ with Saudi Arabia which has led to ‘considerable positive progress across most areas of concern’. It provides some information on the updates that have been provided to the foreign secretary since August in which it finds the clear risk threshold had not been met and the progress made in communications with Saudi Arabia.